Mirrors at the Arcade

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Mirrors at the Arcade

Mirrors at the Arcade are an Indie Alternative band located in Fremantle, Western Australia. Consisting of guitarist/vocalist Edward Leis, bass player Jake Hatch and Billy O' Conner on the drums, the band play gigs in local bars around town and will soon grace your radio stations. Clicker Productions has produced their first music video "Money Hungry Weasels" which is now live on their Facebook page! The single is available for streaming/purchase on Spotify, iTunes, Triple J Unearthed, Google Play, Amazon and BandCamp.

Money Hungry Weasels, a song by Mirrors at the Arcade on Spotify
Inflation Frustration (Goon Song), a song by Mirrors at the Arcade on Spotify

"What does a partnership with Clicker Productions mean? It simply means the two parties share a public relationship together as well as creating potential for future collaboration on each other's work and/or resources. It's beneficial for both parties because it's a way to branch out and deliver more content to bigger audiences."

- Jake De Agrela